What WE do together

The transformation from ME and US to WE.

WE Future

What does the future look like for us as inhabitants of the same planet if we gather our resources and collectively help minimize the greed and power that so negatively affects our world? pirit of WE is an invitation to transform your own understanding of the nature of reality and in the process to create a sustainable future by engaging yourself in the world as an important part of a conscious or spiritual lifestyle.

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where we come together in a conscious community to face present and future challenges in a spirit of solidarity and available opportunities – as a conscious global community of WE.
Perhaps this is humanity’s greatest lesson: alone we cannot withstand the approaching storm, but together we have the power to create a world of unity and peace.

Human history is full of missteps, but also of great leaps forward. The question now is: How can we bring about human development based on wisdom that leads us to a sustaining future?

Let’s create a new world from a field of endless possibilities by using our talents. And let’s include those who have been underrepresented, disempowered, and disenfranchised: Women, Native Americans, minorities, and immigrants.

The future is an exponential expression of today’s tendencies, spreading in many directions. We must be guided by the awareness of how our actions and choices most effectively serve the spiritual truth of Oneness. Which products are least harmful to the environment? What modern habits or addictive behaviors can we give up? How can we invite more people to join the community of WE?

2. future work:

We should become part of an evolution that sees jobs and work for a living as co-creating the universe. This new kind of vocation would focus on many levels to improve the quality of life for everyone. For example, we need “flow specialists” to help things change faster and more efficiently with greater awareness and ease.

We also need “holistic experts” who can see how all things fit together and are able to identify problems and eliminate environmentally harmful products step by step.

Research will help us identify new developments and needs for the future.

You are needed to contribute your vision of a future.

WE Work

This section explores how we can approach world-changing work in a new, empowering way.

1. present work:

We can all perceive that we urgently need to create meaningful jobs at the lower end of the activity spectrum. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a billion people could be paid to restore land, plant trees, clean up landfills, and build sustainable infrastructure for the planet. Perhaps you could be part of such a scenario or be in the forefront of developing different kinds of creative pursuits that lift us above our current way of existing and open up new possibilities of holistic living. Each community could figure out what kind of service is needed and provide a pool of workers and volunteers. We therefore recommend linking social benefits to social services, where everyone would have an important job, and only really severely physically and/or mentally impaired people, would receive money without working. Almost everyone can contribute something to help society.

WE Education

Oppressed people suffer because they are not respected. They see no way out of poverty, violence, racial discrimination, human rights violations, lack of education, housing and health care.

Opening the door for everyone to receive education at appropriate levels, according to talent and commitment, while taking into account what is needed in a society, means starting with programs so that needs can be met, gaps filled, and needs met.

This would be particularly important in parts of the world where funding for education is not available for children, especially girls. There are still nearly 70 million children around the world who are denied meaning and resources for education.

Many of the 33.4 million people living with AIDS or the 25 million who died from secondary diseases could have been saved if we as a global community had acted deliberately and with safer sex education programs in the early days of the epidemic.

WE Spirituality

The most essential and effective way to awaken the consciousness of the world is to explore and live a spiritual lifestyle. We may think that a religious or even esoteric life is a spiritual one, as if we have to belong to a club to experience spiritual depth. However, this is not the case.any of us can wake up at any time from the dream we call the “physical world” and realize that this “reality” is actually full of illusions, division and duality. We can embrace our underlying spiritual nature as the basis of life and live and act together with others.

We must understand that ecological, political, psychological and spiritual problems are interrelated. And we also need to understand that there are deeper dynamics underneath our physical world that are rooted in denying our spiritual nature and that continue endlessly through our personal sensitivities.

This platform wants to help provide processes and methods that support everyone – as far as they wish – to find their spiritual path.

The Path of No Way would be one of those options.

WE Vision

Get a visual idea of the ways in which we want to help shape the world.

We are confronted with many of life’s challenges to become aware of our interconnectedness, but we also experience opportunities that are extremely inspiring: imagine working together with others without fear or competition for a just and peaceful world. That is what this platform stands for and wants to invite.

How do we collectively see the world today?

An important part of this process is to understand how you personally and we collectively have allowed ourselves to get lost in the mire of our problems and busyness.

What needs to be changed?

Some people recommend a transformation of consciousness. However, it does not need a transformation of consciousness because it is whole and complete by its very nature. What WE need, however, is a psychological revolution to bring about effective change. This psychological revolution reconnects us with our underlying nature, which causes identification with our ego to lose its importance. The real revolution of consciousness lies in accepting our inherent wisdom, which is often distorted and fragmented so that we do not see the whole picture.

If only we could just get out of our own way and let go of our suffering, then our fundamental nature would come into being. Then we would experience a spiritual revolution ourselves! There is another way to approach the question of whether humanity as a whole can change, and that is not by changing minds, but by melting hearts personally and collectively.

How can we get this off the ground?

Create and support a world community of conscious people. When we free ourselves from the illusions of the ego and from the attachment to its habitual modes of expression, what we call the global community of a conscious WE appears. Imagine more of us living in a field of spiritual awareness of our connectedness. Selflessness and heartfeltness are central to this and spring from an understanding of our common essential nature – our oneness, the spiritual foundation that underlies all that we are and do.

In the global community of a conscious WE, cordiality means helping others to become free from their bondage – in particular from their need. In this field of caring, everyone is naturally included because “inclusion” is inherent in the experience of oneness.

It is not enough to occupy air time and public spaces; it is not enough to be against something and to protest, we have to be committed to positive, constructive and sustainable solutions. It’s easier to throw down or break something we don’t like than to build structures, attitudes and institutions that support a positive future. We must become builders and supporters of a conscious, global community of WE and not simply be proxies for outrage and indignation.

WE Connection

If we fundamentally understand that we are all connected, the causes of all our problems will simply dissolve. The issue is to understand the WE in these problems, that is, how we are connected. Only when we understand how we are networked can we become “agents of the solution.” Instead of feelings of guilt and hopelessness, decisive action is taken.

As we begin to pay more attention to our inherent interconnectedness, we will find that the issues that seem to affect only some of us actually affect all of us. If we want to bring about real change, it is necessary to overcome rejection and turn our attention to what is really going on in our interconnected world.

We cannot separate ourselves from the world with its problems; our problems are also those of the world. Everything is connected and networked. We all live on the same planet and are collectively affected by pollution, global warming, imbalances of trade, and societal greed.

When we perceive ourselves more as separate than internally connected, this inevitably leads to problems such as inequality and greed.

Consider this: on the level of essential reality, oneness, it becomes impossible to turn a deaf ear to the suffering of others when at the same time our consciousness is awakening. The Spirit of WE platform provides links of groups of similar orientation, such as peace groups, meditation groups, environmental protection associations, etc. – groups that do good to the world and help others.

WE Expression

WE expression gathers all expressive art forms that explore and unfold the joy and challenge of being and living together. We need all these different artists to challenge us with their insightful interpretation of the modern world. We need their help to understand how that change in virtual reality that we call the world continues to find expression within us – an expression of our primal urge to move toward a radically different reality and a life based on fairness and equality.

The time for passive standstill is over. We need a (R)evolution – revolution means “a turning around”. The revolution we need is not a violent destruction of people, property or social systems, but a return to our underlying nature. A spiritual revolution is already unfolding, in those of us who have the courage to embrace the essential state of simplicity and wholeness, to respect the truth of our interconnectedness, and to dedicate our lives in alert attention to the true inherent oneness. This revolution is not a future scenario. It is a state of present awareness when we are ready to live according to our true nature.


When we are optimistic, we understand that the future is not necessarily determined by the past; we are agents of our life’s journey. Even on difficult days, the “Possibilist,” a person oriented toward possibilities, has confidence that the next day, with fresh conditions and opportunities, a new beginning is possible.

For some of us, this may mean starting new projects, while for others it may mean taking on a task that has already been started. Everything we do is not only for the present moment, but also for the future of all humanity. What we start now and how we help out of an unselfish commitment, this will carry a spark on to the next generation of helpers. In this way, a light will spread from our common field of responsibility and invite to the Spirit of WE.

Consider a world where everyone lives safely and in peace; imagine that the environment is healthy and stable. What new feeling arises in you and moves you? Can you feel everything relax inside you? All of us can experience more of this feeling if we unite our consciousness and together create a world that we desire.

The Spirit of WE platform shows examples of ordinary people who have contributed to change, thus testifying to spiritual growth. The examples are always updated to maintain the engagement and connectedness of the participants.

WE Ecology

Today, we have enough food, energy, water and mineral resources to meet the needs of the planet’s people. However, due to greed and the desire for power, these goods are not distributed fairly. As evangelist Frank Buchman put it, we have enough to satisfy our hunger, but not enough to satisfy our greed. We can easily change this by changing our understanding and becoming a conscious WE community. It starts with each of us and expands in waves. Each of us can start now!

Many of us have been searching for the great teacher or the wise person who can show us the way to truth. In doing so, we are surrounded by teachers who teach us simply by being here in the world.

For example, the natural animal and plant world teaches us spontaneous movement, interconnection (think of the roots of trees!), and the inevitability of change. Leaves rotting on the ground and composting into soil, or mushrooms suddenly growing on felled tree trunks, teach us about life and death and the dependence and interconnectedness of matter and energy.

Even our most dire challenges, such as global climate change, can lead us to a new appreciation of nature and a sustainable lifestyle for the future. Free from a searching or goal-oriented mind, we can calmly observe the lessons around us.

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