YOUR time and OUR chance has come to show what is possible!


Here are some concrete things WE can do to live more consciously and help our planet:

1. be essential:
Start significant changes simply

It is important to practice being essential in all that we are and all that we do. Recognize who you are in the bigger picture. Allowing ourselves to have such a vision means we must start small by examining who we are individually. We can know ourselves by accepting our fundamental quality of being, no matter what we call this essential nature.

To do this successfully, explore more deeply who you are by nature and find out what the spiritual energy coming through you needs in this life. Then, discover the spiritual reason you are here on earth by exploring your special qualities, such as being helpful to others. Find out what needs to be resolved in your life so that a new quality of your being can show itself.

Finally, clearly distinguish between psychological, spiritual and planetary issues while understanding their interconnection. To facilitate a delineation between ego issues and spiritual essence, become more sensitive to what resonates with what level of involvement and how. When in doubt, listen to your gut as to where the essence “resides.” As if you had a spiritual antenna, tune into the essence from this center and enjoy the “rhythm” of truth.

When in doubt, listen to your gut as to where the essence “resides.” As if you had a spiritual antenna, tune into the essence from this center and enjoy the “rhythm” of truth.

We need more training in opposing dynamics in so-called “contramics” – that is, developing the ability for two or more opposites of whatever nature to coexist simultaneously in mind and body.

2. live in contrasts

Next, you need to develop the awareness to look at world issues and challenges without clinging and without being overwhelmed by them. To do that, we need more training in opposing dynamics in what we call “contramics” – that is, developing the ability for two or more opposites of whatever nature to coexist simultaneously in mind and body. Maintaining opposing tensions, creates a field of consciousness that is able to recognize both difficulties and their resolution. When this awareness awakens in us, problem and healing mix until the difficulty is resolved.

Without this awareness, we force ourselves to remain either on one side of contradiction or in constant inner discord and struggle. Our perception of unity must be expanded so that one or more splits can exist without artificially eliminating their distinctiveness. In other words, several possibilities can be true side by side at the same time.

We are full of polarities and so is the world we have created together. We must accept the situation and understand it as spiritual learning. We need to be connected to life, but without holding on to it. The key to personal and collective change is to remain aware of our dire situation without ignoring its wake-up call and without losing our sense of humor and zest for life. These latter qualities are what make the challenging work of being aware and helpful possible.

3. check YOUR greed

All of us need to examine our greed, in all its manifestations. When we transcend the cravings of the world, we also break free from the addiction that greed creates. Peace can only exist when all the lust and greed is extinguished – when the mind no longer separates and isolates. In fact, “unity” is the counterpart of greed, division and violence.

Unfortunately, transforming a selfish, greedy, and conflict-oriented mindset into a peaceful one will require a transformative realization, and that from millions of us. But we can start with ourselves, right now, by learning to be more generous. We can practice this by including more people in our circle of acquaintances, sharing about important spiritual issues, encouraging (each other) to be cordial and informed in the world. Being generous in various ways neutralizes egoisms by extinguishing the fire of greed, as Buddha taught.

We can start with ourselves, right now, by learning to be more generous.

As members of a community, we should be concerned with reintegrating opponents as often as possible rather than punishing them.

4. rehabilitate instead of punish

On a personal level, let go of your fantasies of self-righteousness and revenge and look for ways to reconcile and forgive. As members of a community, we should be concerned with reintegrating opponents as often as possible, rather than punishing them. Justice systems around the world must be reformed so that only the toughest criminals are locked up permanently.

Many, many inmates in the world are serving prison sentences for minor offenses. With our support, they can be reintegrated into society and fed into the social welfare system. Instead of sitting in jail, they would get a greater chance to practice new skills and learn from new life opportunities.

5. reasons a community for the betterment of the world

Become part of a world improvement group that takes a proactive stance to support positive development for all humanity. We need a new organization that stands up for peace, for the betterment of humanity and freedom, and that cares for everyone. It would also stand for tolerance of differences and appreciation of diversity, for the dissemination of information and exchange between the diversity of cultural expressions and beliefs on our planet. Again and again, she would have to ask herself, “How can we be helpful in all situations?”

The United Nations was founded with this intention. But they have never been adequately funded and empowered to effectively stop wars or genocides or intervene in the face of other injustices. A world improvement group would strive to be less bureaucratic and more spontaneous. Their analysis of world events would be based more on psychological history, which examines the psychological backgrounds and tendencies of leaders in the world. To put it briefly, the Community for the Betterment of the World would be a beacon for a WE consciousness in the midst of nations. Countries would only be invited to join if they demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the betterment of humanity with clear democratic and applied social structures and a willingness to tackle difficult problems such as statelessness, immigration, and slavery, among others.

To put it briefly, the Community for the Betterment of the World would be a beacon for a WE consciousness in the midst of nations.

We need to pay closer attention to who is being trafficked, which industries are exploiting slave labor, and which nations are looking the other way.

Here are a few links:

6. end slavery

There are many things we can do now to make this a reality. First, we need to pay closer attention to who is being trafficked, which industries are exploiting slave labor, and which nations are looking the other way. Second, we can find local and national organizations that are already working to end human trafficking, and we can support them financially and as volunteers. Third, we can educate children and adults to really look at the harmful effects of the pornography and sex trafficking industry on women, men and children.

We can call on our society – as the source of these products – to force changes in working conditions. We can also reach out to those leaving the sex trade and help them find jobs, education, and a safe place to live. So basically helping them transition to a life of freedom.

Sex traffic occurs only because there are customers. We need to address this issue and challenge the prevailing view that it is acceptable to pay money to have relationships with a sex slave. We need to teach boys and girls not to see men’s or women’s bodies as objects. And we need to teach women to value their whole being and not just their sexual attraction to men and women. We need to talk about pedophilia and sexual abuse of children. In countries where parents send their children to the sex industry as the only option against hunger, we should find resources to give them better opportunities.

7. redistribute wealth

You can write a letter to your legislator right now and demand an end to tax breaks for the rich. Whenever possible, encourage significant others to remember to share what they have with others. Look at the Scandinavian model of social capitalism that shares wealth and responsibility and see if anything in that system can be applied in your life and for your country. You can also support this with your wallet by not buying products or services from outrageously greedy banks and corporations.

Switch to a member bank; buy local and organic products and support local businesses. We can also insist that our religious institutions become more generous and care more for the poor. Promote companies that are generous. Practice generosity yourself within your financial means to people who need your help.

Whenever possible, encourage significant others to remember to share what they have with others.

The philosophy of slowing down recommends, instead of doing everything as fast as possible, doing everything at a reasonable speed and with the utmost integrity. It’s about quality over quantity.

8. participate in the slowing down of the world

Slow down! We live in a fast-paced world of turbo-capitalism, but there is a wonderful alternative. The philosophy of slowing down recommends, instead of doing everything as fast as possible, doing everything at a reasonable speed and with the utmost integrity. It’s about quality over quantity.

It began in Italy in 1986, when political activist and food writer Carlo Petrini launched the Slow Food movement in response to the growing popularity of fast food. Principles include preserving local, traditional and self-sustaining food habits and promoting seeds, plants and livestock from the local ecosystem. The original idea expanded into other directions such as slow art, slow education and slow fashion, to name a few. There are currently about 100,000 members working on it in 150 countries in 1,300 discussion groups or associations. There are more than 200 cities in 30 countries that belong to the City-Slow movement, where manicured green spaces, organic farming, and numerous community activities are part of the 71 membership requirements.

9. support the possible

You can be the change the world is waiting for. you have everything you need to bring healing into the world. Join your energy with the field of Possibilists who support new projects and wait with bold, interesting ideas that make meaningful social change a reality. Demand what is often sold as impossible, namely peace in the world and fairness for all.

Start or continue a personal example of peace and justice, and see how far it extends into the world. We pointed out many situations that were seemingly impossible to turn around, and then it worked. Your life is a continuation of this legacy if you are dedicated and full of heart in everything you do. If you like a good challenge, you have come to the right planet. Now that you are here, realize how everything you learned was a preparation for what is coming into your life now. Please note and accept that this is the basis for moving beyond the artificial boundaries imagined together in personal and collective minds. What seems impossible for us alone can be possible through the collective energy of a WE community of conscious people.

You can be the change the world is waiting for. you have everything you need to bring healing into the world.

Enjoy discovering pearls of life that are sometimes hidden behind hardened shells of abused and forgotten people. Look at the potentials and not the limitations.

10. use hidden resources

Do what you can to discover the potential in yourself and in others who have been marginalized by society. In many prisons, immigration and homeless shelters, there is talent that the world needs to heal itself and to support human development.

Enjoy discovering pearls of life that are sometimes hidden behind hardened shells of abused and forgotten people. Look at the potentials and not the limitations. Pay attention to the small and subtle signals of undiscovered talent in yourself and others. Maybe it’s a child’s doodle or the way someone moves that reveals a latent talent for writing or dancing. Be an explorer of your soul and discover new territory that could help us all!

11. be a pioneer

You are needed to transform the world, you are indispensable. Your energy and unique creativity are irreplaceable. Don’t be afraid to be the first, last or person in the middle to tackle a new project or see the next step for our growth together.

Don’t depend on what others think of you, especially if your gut tells you that something is right to do right now. Spiritual energy moves within you in unique ways and you must be willing to follow its guidance wherever it takes you. We need everyone who is willing to take on the challenge to be part of the change. Please do it from a grounded, centered, heart-connected, and spontaneous state of consciousness.

The whole world is vibrating in peace. Swing into it and turn to the harmony that lies just below the surface of the conventional world. Maybe you are one of those with a big heart who sees the value and deeper meaning of living your love. Maybe you’re brave enough to share that feeling with someone who will listen. This is a pioneer.

The worldview of the challenges and opportunities of conscious living are becoming more widespread and more accepted. The expansion of this consciousness lives in you and through you. Its nature springs from a single quality: to be life-changing and globally healing.

Be the ONE you are and always will be. Your time and OUR chance have come to show what is possible!

You are needed to transform the world, you are indispensable. Your energy and unique creativity are irreplaceable.


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