Who are WE?

The Spirit of WE

About US

We are people with different professions from counseling, social, therapeutic and creative fields. We are connected by many years of common self-experience in different psychological and spiritual directions.

From the resulting insights and the vitality and joy grew the desire to concretely support other people in their sense of togetherness and to develop common perspectives.

As an external form for this we founded the association „Spirit of WE e. V.“.

Our board members are pleased to meet you:

Joachim Armbruster
+49 (0) 171 384 70 46

Thomas Fleck
+49 (0) 157 895 437 49

Get in touch
with US.

How do we finance Spirit of WE? WE?

Spirit of WE is a non-profit organization
and financing itself by :

– fundraising
– membership
– donation

For membership and donation please have a look at Contribute.

What are OUR objectives?

The aim of the association Spirit of WE e.V. is to show viable ways to come together and to invite all people to create a global community.

Through our work, we wish to come into contact with like-minded people and, in the spirit of the Spirit of WE, to develop perspectives and to launch and support concrete projects.

The association has set itself the following goals and tasks, among others, and included them in its statutes:

– Conducting events to share scientific results of collective intelligence (WE consciousness) and encourage people to do further research and projects in this field.

– Conducting seminars and coaching for committed individuals to support them in their WE awareness, resilience and altruism.

– Active dialogue and cooperation of members and interested third parties who support and promote the association.

– Educational work at forums and conferences through lectures and presentations, through publications and campaigns.

For more information, download our bylaws.

The Spirit of WE Platform

The Spirit of WE platform provides examples of people making a difference in their everyday lives in the following areas:

WE Future, WE Work, Spirituality of WE, WE Education,
WE Ecology and more.

Examples of these projects:

Our association statutes and guidelines for a strong WE.

In the statutes you will find all the information about our
Way to change the world to a strong WE.

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