Vision of the common good economy

Common good economics refers to an economic system built on values that promote the common good. The common good economy is a lever of change at the economic, political and social levels – a bridge from old to new.

On an economic level, it is a viable, concretely implementable alternative for companies of various sizes and legal forms. The purpose of doing business and the evaluation of corporate success are defined in terms of values oriented to the common good.

On a political level, the movement for a common good economy wants to bring about legal change. The goal of the commitment is a good life for all living beings and the planet, supported by a common good-oriented economic system. Human dignity, global fairness and solidarity, ecological sustainability, social justice and democratic co-determination are essential elements.

On a societal level, the movement for a common good economy is an initiative to raise awareness for systemic change based on the shared, appreciative action of as many people as possible. The movement gives hope and courage and seeks networking and cross-fertilization with other alternative initiatives.

It sees itself as an open-ended, participatory, locally growing process with global reach.

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