
A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (A W.I.S.H.)

is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide models and support for life sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance. It was founded in March of 1995 and is registered as an NGO in fourteen countries and states. To learn more about the history and vision of A W.I.S.H., listen to an interview with or read a 15-year retrospective by President and CEO, Michael Karp.

E.G.: Anansi Educational NGO

  • Mission Statement: Anansi Education is a non-profit organization that funds the high school education of academically qualified students in Ghana who are otherwise unable to continue their education due to financial need.
  • In order to raise funds to meet our educational objective, Anansi does five things:
  • We find sponsors willing to provide the annual school fees for the customary four years.
  • We hold an annual auction in the United States, with African artifacts, artwork and crafts that have been selected and shipped from Africa, by our director.
  • We provide guide services to tourists traveling in Ghana with 40% of the associated revenue going to Anansi and 60% going to the guide.
  • Anansi operates a Bed and Breakfast for tourists in Ghana with a percentage of the proceeds going directly to the program.
  • We place volunteers in orphanages, schools, hospitals and farms.

Using our selection criteria, as defined by our mission statement, Anansi funds as many applicants as possible.

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